The mackerel tabby has the pattern type of a tiger, as the thin stripes come down their sides. The classic orange tabby is painted with a pattern of light and dark orange swirls. There are five various versions of the tabby pattern you may find in ginger cats: The domestic tabby pattern is seen in many domestic cat breeds, including everything from an Abyssinian to a Maine Coon, and of course, the classic tabby. Now that you know some beliefs about ginger cats, the following are five authentic facts about Ginger cats: Five Different Patterns Whatever the M means, it is part of the ginger cat’s identity. It is also possible that the “M” represents the word “mau,” which meant “cat” in ancient Egypt. This is just a firmly held belief of some ginger cat lovers. There are rumors that the M stands for Mary, as in the virgin Mary, because Mary blessed the ginger cat when she spied one snuggling up to baby Jesus, which stopped the infant from fussing, and he was lulled into slumber. All tabbies have the ever so elusive “ M” on their foreheads. The ginger or marmalade cat has many attributes, and they are incredibly recognizable among the tabby color coats. It is rare for an orange cat to have blue eyes. They can have striking short coats or luxuriously long hair and they typically have green, gold, or yellow eyes. However, the most common look for a ginger cat is solid orange with tabby markings. Many ginger cats have white on their chest, paws, and tail tip. Tigers are the prime example of the quintessential tabby, except they are larger. These cats are considered ginger cats because of their reddish-orangey or peachy-orangey color they also carry the tabby gene. They come in colors pertaining to red, orange, and cream.

They are quite loveable, and ginger cats are also highly sought after. Ginger cats tend to be very outgoing and affectionate. If you have had the pleasure of being in the company of a ginger cat, or if you have ever had a ginger cat, you know how awesome they are. If you want to discover five facts about ginger cats, this is the article for you! What is a Ginger Cat? Ginger cats are also very popular with cat people who have great taste. Ginger cats have also been featured in children’s stories, movies, and commercials, as they are multi-talented. Most importantly, gingers are handsome male cats devoted to their humans. Ginger cats have five different possible coat patterns, which can come in various colors. There are numerous beliefs and theories surrounding the cat with the coolest colored coat. Ginger cats are unique and fascinating creatures, as they tend to have distinct personality traits and coat colors.